Chisholm Group
1409 Federal Drive, Montgomery, AL 36107

The Chisholm Group meets at 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday and at 6:00pm on Saturday and Sunday.
The last Saturday of each month, the Group holds a Chip Celebration, with fellowship and food, followed by an open meeting at which members who have celebrated milestones — 30, 60, or 90 days; 6 and 9 months; and anniversaries — share their experience, strength, hope, and gratitude. Family and friends are invited.
The front door is located off the open parking area found by going between the two buildings in the picture above. All meetings are smoking, with the exception of the Sunday night speaker meeting, the Chip Celebration, and Movie Night.
The Chisholm Group was started in 1988, when Lenny Bolton, the new pastor of Chisholm Baptist Church, recognized the need for an A.A. group in the community, after meeting with many of its residents. Early efforts by Joe S. and Judy C. didn’t take root until Lenny met Don T. — a sober member of A.A. who had recently returned to Chisholm from Texas — and asked him to try again to get a group started.
The group met for a short time in a small building behind the Chisholm Baptist Church until a small building on the corner of Pickett Street and Lower Wetumpka Road was rented. Group membership grew over the years, and they recognized the need for a larger facility. In February, 1998, the group moved to 2906 Lower Wetumpka Road, where they met for nearly 10 years.
In September, 2007, the group again moved, this time to Congressman Dickerson Drive (Federal Drive). Since that time, the group has moved twice more. The group meets every day, and the last Saturday of each month is a “Celebration of Life” open meeting. All the members who have “picked up a chip” during the month have an opportunity to pass it on by sharing how they did it.
The Chisholm Group was registered with the GSO on April 6, 1989. At that time, closed discussion meetings were held on Thursday nights at the Chisholm Baptist Church. Bennie W. served as the GSR, and there were approximately ten group members. This Chisholm Group first appeared in the 1990-91 A.A. Directory.
G.S.O. Archives