District 8

“A district is a geographical unit containing the right number of groups—right in terms of the committee member’s ability to keep in frequent touch with them, to learn their problems, and to find ways to contribute to their growth and well-being.”

The A.A. Service Manual Combined With Twelve Concepts for World Service, 2014-2015 Edition, p. S31
Copyright ©2014 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Reprinted with permission.

DCM: Jay R.

District 8 is made up of the member groups from six counties in central Alabama — Autauga, Chilton, Dallas, Elmore, Lowndes, and Montgomery — along with two groups that chose to “move into the district” — the Camellia City Group in Greenville, and the Union Springs Group. The groups of District 8 come together and work together through our general service structure and through our various service boards and committees to help the member groups carry the message to the still-suffering alcoholic.

The district meets (typically) on the first Saturday of each month at 9:30 am, at 3412 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, Ala., 36109. These meetings are chaired by our elected District Committee Member, and offer the G.S.R.s of each group, the elected district committee chairs, and all others present, the opportunity to be informed on work going on within our committees, on service and fellowship events happening throughout the district and the area, and to consider any questions brought to the district for its informed group conscience. Groups can also find experience on dealing with many of the challenges that arise in group life through other G.S.R.s and the district officers, and committees are able to get guidance in how they can best serve the district.

Any member of Alcoholics Anonymous is welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly district meeting, and to work with our service boards and committees in cooperation with the professional community, public information, corrections, hospitals and treatment centers, as well as working with our literature, including the A.A. Grapevine. Every member of A.A. is afforded a voice at the monthly meeting. Voting on matters of business and in seeking a group conscience is limited to the G.S.R.s, committee chairs, and district officers, or to their respective alternates when the primary voting member is unable to attend.

The district hosts an annual Old Timers Picnic in the late summer/early fall, actively participates in the work of Area 1, and supports its member groups through workshops and presentations which carry our collective experience, strength and hope. All of these activities, and many others, serve our singleness of purpose.

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