Cooperating with nonalcoholic professionals is an effective way to carry the message to the sick alcoholic. Such people often meet the alcoholic in places where A.A. is not present. Through professionals, alcoholics may be reached who might otherwise never find the program, or they may be reached sooner with the help of informed non-A.A.s.A professional can be anyone who deals with problem drinkers in the course of their work. Many of these people often encounter the suffering alcoholic, and in spite of public awareness, many of them simply don’t know what to do with a drunk.
Cooperation Not Affiliation
Cooperation with the professional community has been an objective of A.A. since our beginnings. We are always seeking to strengthen and expand our communication with you, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Our local Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C.) committee will, upon request, provide additional information and/or presentations for your group.
Contact the CPC Committee
Singleness of Purpose and Problems Other Than Alcohol
Some professionals refer to alcoholism and drug addiction as “substance abuse” or “chemical dependency,” therefore, nonalcoholics are sometimes introduced to A.A. and encouraged to attend A.A. meetings. A.A.’s singleness of purpose is essential to our successful recovery from alcoholism. Anyone is welcome to attend open meetings; closed meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are limited to those who have a problem with alcohol and a desire to stop drinking. Any person who has a desire to stop drinking is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous if they say they are.
Schedule of OPEN A.A. Meetings
What Does A.A. Do?
- A.A. members share their experience with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem.
- A.A. members offer person-to-person “sponsorship” to the alcoholic coming to A.A. from any source or referred by any source.
- A sponsor helps the new member in working the Twelve Steps and in developing a satisfying life without alcohol.
What A.A. Does Not Do
- Provide A.A. recovery for addictions other than alcohol, i.e., drugs, gambling, overeating, etc.
- Provide letters of reference to parole boards, lawyers, court officials, social agencies, employers, etc.
- Furnish initial motivation for alcoholics to recover.
- Keep attendance records or case histories.
- Solicit members.
- Provide progress reports on court clients to the referring agency.
- Follow up or try to control its members.
- Provide housing, food, clothing, jobs, money, or any other welfare or social services.
- Accept any money for its services, or any contributions from non-A.A. sources.